Generate MD5 Checksum on a single file
md5sum filename
Generate MD5 Checksum on multiple files
md5sum filename1 filename2 filename3
Generate MD5 Checksum and ouptut to file
md5sum filename > md5.txt
Compare MD5 Checkum output file to current file in directory
md5sum -c md5.txt
Tag Archives: how to
Basic tar usage
As you probably know tar is designed to store and extract files from an archive file (a tarfile). Here I’ll show you some basic usage of this tool…
Continue reading Basic tar usage
fix svn problems
For some reason since I’ve upgraded to svn 1.7.4 my working copy get’s corrupted
Getting messages like:
svn: E155010: Pristine text '999135ffa335e04403a1d44452b14ffc74080f8a' not present
SSH connection without password
First, generate a public/private RSA key pair on Ooga.
ooga% ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
When you are asked for a passphrase, leave it empty. Now send the public key to Booga.
CLI for loop
Since i usually forget this:
for x in `ls`; do echo cp $x/cover.jpg $x.jpg; done
CLI image resize
This is a small how to resize pictures linux CLI
you need the package called imagemagick
mogrify -resize 640x480 *.jpg
that’s all
the full doc: